Business Wire IndiaBlueRose Publishers organized
WordsBrew Authors meet yesterday in New Delhi. The day was action-packed where many eminent authors gathered to interact with over 300 ardent readers and the budding writers. The authors spread across various genres of the book world discussed about various aspects of an author’s journey and shared their insights with the enthusiastic audience.
The vision of WordsBrew was to unite the different real-life narratives of famous and budding writers under one roof. This space endowed the readers and writers with a pedestal to articulate and explore the different hues of an author’s journey.
Commenting on the event, Mr. Ravindra Singh, Author and Guest Speaker at WordsBrew, said, "It has been an honor to be a part of this event and to be associated with BlueRose Publishers. WordsBrew is an extremely encouraging initiative to lighten the path for aspiring authors. The interactive session with the avid logophile audience was an absolute delight."
Ms. Rashmi Trivedi launched her latest book
From Ashes to Dreams and expressed herself saying, "It’s always a feeling of fulfillment when one can nurture the young talent and India has a lot of unexplored talent. All these young writers need is someone to guide them and they can achieve greatness. I am proud to be a part of BlueRose Publishers who goes the extra mile to find the uncharted young talent."
Mr. Syed Arshad, Founder, BlueRose Publishers, said, "The main aim behind WordsBrew Authors meet was to bring multiple accomplished writers together to provide guidance to the aspiring writers. This is a platform where authors can interact with their readers in a candid conversation and share their experiences. We are pleased to see such a splendid response from the attendees and we certainly hope that the event inspired budding authors of the community."
WordsBrew Authors Meet was a one-day event with various segments like
Book Launch by Rashmi Trivedi and Sonal Bharija Singh,
Panel Discussion with panelist Devika Das, Sunil Kumar, Neelmani Bhatia & Captain Jay Joshi,
Guest Speakership with Ravindra Singh and Rashmi Trivedi,
Creative Writing Workshop by Ramesh Menon,
Author’s Awards and
Open Mic with Vibha Goel and Neel Anil Panicker which was followed by hi-tea and snacks.
Source: Businesswire