May 31, 2022
On 26th may 2022, we the ROTARACT CLUB OF JSS INSTITUTE OF NATUROPATHY AND YOGIC SCIENCES in association with JSS INSTITUTE OF NATUROPATHY AND YOGIC SCIENCES along with IMA MASONIC ROTARY MIDTOWN MAHAVEERS BLOOD BANK- ‘UYIR’ The blood donation camp has been conducted at Jssinys hospital, navakarai, Coimbatore.
Our cheif guest – Dr Dhilip ravindran, Principal and CMO of JSSINYS had inaugurated the event along with our Rotaract coordinator Dr Vijayaragavan, Asst professor and medical officer, President of rotaract club of JSSINYS Rtr Thenmalar Jayadevan and Mr.Sunilkumar blood bank head , Event chairwoman Rtr.Mirudhula, secretary of racjssinys Rtr Vikramarajan were also there.
We have given 25+ units of blood and 65+ blood donars were participated in this event.