November 1, 2023
PSG College of nursing in Association with Breast Feeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) inaugurated the one – week Certificate Course on “Breastfeeding & Infant and Young Child Feeding Counsellor” Course. The certificate course focused on breastfeeding & lactation support skills, complementary feeding HIV & infant feeding and growth monitoring specially designed for children under 2 years by the team of National trainers BPNI. The Inauguration function was held on 30th October 2023 at ‘A’ Block Seminar hall, PSG Hospitals.
Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing presided over the function by welcoming the dignitaries and delegates from various parts of the country. She exemplified the Journey of PSG Institutions since its origin and highlighted the recent achievements of PSG Hospitals. Dr.Manju Bala Dash, Professor, Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences, Pondicherry, and The Course Director specifies the importance of breast milk for every child to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition among under five children, stop the practice of formula feeding for newborns and extend hands to promote exclusive breast feeding. She also highlighted the activities and courses by BPNI and She has insisted that it not only for Medicine profession, but common to all encouraged the participants for their active involvement in learning and support lactating mothers.
Chief Guest TV Chitra Bhat, Professor and Unit Head, PSG IMS&R Hospitals Coimbatore, appreciated PSG College of Nursing for taking initiative to organize this Course in Coimbatore. She also insisted on the importance of initiation and continuing breast feeding until 2 years of age. She congratulated the delegates for their dedication and the interest in attending the course.
While delivering the Guest of honour speech Dr.A.Jayavardhana, MD, Professor & Head, Department of Paediatrics, PSG IMS&R Hospitals started with congratulating the participants and thanked PSG for taking so much of effort to undergo this course. He also insisted on creating public awareness about the importance of breast feeding and its benefits.
The participation was limited 25 delegates. They were from various professions such as pediatrician, Naturopathy, Nursing fraternity, Dietician, physiotherapist and childbirth educators. The dignitaries wished the delegates to be Lactation Ambassadors and join hands to Promote, Sustain and Support Breast feeding for a Healthier Planet.