August 15, 2020
Coimbatore: The district collector, K Rajamani today unfurled the Tricolour to mark the 74th Independence Day at VOC Park grounds in the city.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic scare, the function was a low key affair without much fanfare, even as those present at the grounds were subjected to test for Coronavirus infection.
Rajamani accepted the salute at guard of honour parade with lesser participation of personnel.
He also given merit certificates and honored 90 persons from 13 departments, including Coimbatore Medical College Hospital Dean Dr P
Kalidasu, ESI hospital dean Dr Nirmala and officials from health, police, corporation, food safety and transport and revenue for their work to combat Coronavirus infection.
Freedom fighters were honored with shawls at their homes.
DRO, Rama Duraimurugan, West Zone IG, K Periaiah, City Police Commissioner, Sumit Saran, SP, Ara Arularasu were present.
Meanwhile, Commissioner and Special Officer, Sravankumar Jathavath hoisted the National Flag at Corporation premises. Earlier he garlanded
the statue of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Independence Day celebration was held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, where Vice-Chancellor Dr N Kumar hoisted the flag at a
simple function
He recalled the eternal memories of the martyrs, who sacrificed their lives.
In order to enhance the income of the farming community, the university has supplied the quality seeds of about 148 tonnes of breeder seeds, 583 tonnes of foundation seeds, 153 tonnes of certified seeds, 965 tonnes of TFL seeds and 23.8 lakh planting materials during 2019-20.
During January 2020, the university has released the 13 new improved varieties for the benefit of the faming community.
During Covid-19 lock down our stake holders, the farmers of Tamil Nadu did not let the State suffer from the problem of food availability to the citizens of India.