September 28, 2020
Coimbatore : The Rotary Club Coimbatore Downtown here Monday donated Pediatric Ventilator to the Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital (Government hospital) which can save lives of many infants and kids during this pandemic situation.
The ventilator was given to the hospital after discussion to understand the requirements of setting up a separate Covid care Operation Theater to prevent further loss of human lives, between the Down Town, Rotary club of Zenith and hospital officials, as part of setting up of Covid Care Project.
The equipment, worth Rs.53.87 lakh include Pediatric Ventilator, Anesthesia Workstation, Bi spectra Monitor, Sonosite M-Turbo hand
carried Doppler system, Patient Monitor, Perfusor space pumps, Nerve Stimulator and Neonatal Syringe pump, all imported ones.
The pediatric ventilator is one of its kind equipment in the Government Hospital and caters to lung infection of new borns from the weight of 800 gms – 30 kg. These machines will be put to use mainly for Covid-19.
The Rs.13 lakh M Turbo Doppler units is another unique scanner, which is a hand held and can be carried anywhere.
The Hospital Dean, Dr P Kalidasu said that these equipment will be very useful, as many patients,particularly children are being admitted to the hospital, in view of the increasing positive cases in the district.
Earlier patients were being treated in Government ESI Hospital and Private hospitals only and now now many patients were admitted to the Medical College hospital for treatment, he pointed out.