March 5, 2020
Coimbatore on 05 March 2020 attracted more than 600 registered participants that included NCC Cadets, students and other interested civilians to explore the ocean of opportunities available in the tri-services.
The special invitees from the armed forces who graced the occasion include Former Southern Army Commandant, Lt Gen PM Hariz, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM(Retd), Group Commander – Kovai Group Col.LCS Naidu, Army Recruiting Officer – Col Rane, Wing Commander AMS Joseph – an officer from Disha cell of Indian Air force, Psychologist from Navy and Former INS Agrani CO – Commodore Rajeev Choudhary (Retd).
The motivational talks by the Officers on leadership, responsibility, self-discipline, crisis management held the audience under rapt attention. They further elaborated on the defense career prospects and the significance of SSB interview. Stalls were erected to showcase the Artilleries from the Indian Army, Flight simulators, Aero and Ship models, Air Show, posters and banners related to the tri-services.