August 28, 2020
Coimbatore, : The PSGR Krishnammal College for Women here ranked 5th under the category of Government and Government Aided Institution in the Atal Rankings of Institutions on Innovation
Achievement (ARIIA) 2020.
This is the only Arts and Science College Ranked in Top 5 in this category and the ranking will certainly inspire the institutions to reorient the mind-set and build ecosystems to encourage high quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
DST sponsored RWTP, UGC sponsored B.Voc Programmes, DBT Star, IEDC, IIC, NEN, Infrastructure, Start-ups, Entrepreneurship cell, Academia -.Industry collaboration, Extra mural & Institutional funding helped us to achieve this position, a college release said today.
All this has been possible by the sustained perseverance and sincere efforts of the Management, Secretary, Committee members, Principal, Directors, Deans, Faculty, Administrative staff, Supporting staff, Industry and Professional partners, students and parents, it said.