March 25, 2022
The CAC, a branch of prestigious The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Limited is proud in launching their fifth branch in Ma’abela , Muscat , Oman on March 18, 2022. The Coimbatore Ayurveda Centre (CAC) is poised to become Oman’s top Ayurvedic centre.
The Fifth CAC branch was opened under the aegis of the chief guest, Dr. Muhanna Nasser Al Muslahi, Director General of Private Health Establishment, Ministry of Health; Shri. Amit Narang , Ambassador of India to Oman was also present along with Shri C. Devidas Varier, Managing Director, The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy
(Coimbatore) Limited .
Present during the event was Shri. Yousuf Al Aamri, Chairman, CAC ; Shri. Babu Kolora, Managing Director CAC & Shri. Bijesh Kolora, CEO – CAC invited guests and the press.
With this launch, AVP – CAC is looking to consolidate their top slot as the biggest Ayurveda centre, and also providing wholesome wellbeing through their effective Ayurvedic treatments and remedies, in Oman.The fifth branch opening is just a start of a new chapter for CAC.
It is the vision of CAC to open an in-patient service hospital for long-term treatments and to add four more centres across Oman in the period of next five years.