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Exo Reveals What Causes the Malodour in Your Utensil Scrubber

By admin

November 20, 2018

Business Wire India Most households tend to face the issue of having smelly scrubbers. The existence of bacteria propagates extensively in the presence of food particles that are invariably stuck in the scrubbers. This leads to a bad smell. These bacteria cannot be seen by the naked eye. But, due to the malodour, #TheNoseKnows their presence.

The Exo Bacto Scrub scrubber is impregnated with Bactogard. This stops the propagation of bacteria within the scrubber & therefore reduces malodour by 94.2%.

In this video, Anti-bacterial Exo by Jyothy Laboratories Ltd. partnered with members of COFVI (College of Fragrance for the Visually Impaired) to put this claim to test.

The fact that the visually impaired have a better sense of smell than others is a factor that helped in getting an unbiased outcome.

In this video, the Exo Bacto Scrub has been pitted against an ordinary scrubber.

Both scrubbers were soiled with leftover food and kept in a controlled environment for 12 hours.

We were pleasantly surprised by the test results!

Like the gifted members in the video, you too can trust your nose – because #TheNoseKnows.

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Source: Businesswire