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Business Wire IndiaGIFAS, the FrenchAerospaceIndustries Association, a driving force behind French-Indiancooperation,has head a majorindustrialmissionto India from 16 to 19 April 2018.
This mission hasbeenanexceptional opportunity for the IndianandFrenchaerospaceindustries to meetandexplorecommonfields of win-win cooperation,andall its objectiveshavebeenachieved.
Drawing on the very constructive State visit to India of FrenchPresidentEmmanuelMacron in March 2018, this mission hence hassupported the commitment of Frenchindustries to the “Make in India” policy,in the fields of aerospace,defence and space.
EricTrappier, the Chairman of GIFASand Chairman of CIDEF (Council of FrenchDefenceIndustries),has led this mission. InNew Delhi and Bangalore, he met with severalministersandofficialssuchas Mrs. NirmalaSitharaman, Minister of Defence,Mr.SureshPrabhu, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Civil Aviation, Dr. Bhamre, Minister of State for Defence, Mr. Jayant Sinha, Minister of State for Civil Aviation, or Mr. RV. Deshpande, Minister of IndustryandCommerce of the State of Karnataka.
Thedelegationhas made stops in NewDelhi,Bangalore,MumbaiandHyderabad, where more than 390 business-to-businessmeetings have been co-organised with SIDM (Society of IndianDefenceManufacturers)and CII (Confederation of IndianIndustry). They have brought together the sectors’ companies from both countries. This took place on the occasion of two seminardedicated to the “Indo–FrenchDefence & AerospaceCooperation”. A MoU betweenGIFASandSIDM (Society of IndianDefenceManufacturers) has been signed to promote partnershipsand cooperation.
60 Frenchaerospaceindustrialcompanies participated. The major aviation andspace players representing both civilian anddefence businessinterests were present – Airbus,ArianeGroup,DassaultAviation,MBDA,SafranandThales – not to mention 54 subcontractors,suppliers, SMEs andequipmentmanufacturers.
The Chairman of GIFAS, EricTrappier,Chairmanand CEO of Dassault Aviation,stated:“ThisGIFAS visit is a real success.Cooperationin the areas of aeronauticsand space will be strengthenedbyall the meetingsand interactions we got this weekand the measures now to implement. We areglad to contribute to the “Make in India” policy andstrengthen the strategicpartnership betweenIndia andFrance”.
Source: Businesswire