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10 Oct 2024, Edition - 3376, Thursday

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Health & Lifestyle

6 asanas for a healthy body and mind that should be a part of your New Year resolution



Yoga has immense benefits for your body, mind and soul, and while all of us may want to practice it, sometimes that’s just not possible. We don’t have the space, the time or the mental bandwidth to dedicate a whole hour to yoga a few times a week. Well, I have some good news for those whose new year’s resolutions include leading a healthy 2017 – yoga can become a part of your daily life, even if you don’t have a full yoga routine. All you need to do is incorporate a few simple things in your lifestyle and you can inculcate the physical, mental and emotional benefits of yoga.

1. Vajra Asana/Thunderbolt Pose

This simple seated pose has major benefits. It’s great for your knees, for all the muscles of your legs and to make your ankle joints flexible. It’s also great for digestion (which is why the Japanese eat in this posture). It may be hard to do at first and your ankles will hurt, but if you sit in this posture for just a few minutes every day, you will see how quickly your body adjusts and you’ll be sitting comfortably in vajra asana for long stretches very soon.

– Sit with your spine straight. Bring your legs under your body, with your knees bent.

– Your toes should touch each other and your ankles should be bent inward.

*Try to sit in Vajra asana for a few minutes after dinner and before you go to bed.

Also read: 5 yoga asanas that’ll help you relax and unwind

2. Padma Asana

This is the most beneficial and effective of all yoga asanas. The ultimate goal of a yoga asana practice is to be able to make our body limber and flexible enough to be able to sit for long hours of mediation. Padma asana is the preferred asana of choice of all yogis. In the beginning it may be hard to do this, but just a few minutes of practice every day and you will magically feel your hips, pelvis and legs open up. This asana is great for all the muscles of your legs, spine, for digestion and even for circulation.

– Sit in a comfortable posture.

– Take your right ankle and place it on your left thigh.

– Take your left ankle and place it on top of your right thigh.

– Adjust your legs so that they are as comfortable as possible.

3. Gomukh Asana

Gomukh asana is a great stretch for our spines. It helps in aligning our bodies and helps in preventing and getting rid of spinal and back problems – such common ailments of our time.

– Sit with your back straight, and your right leg bent over your left leg. Your knees are stacked on top of each other.

– Bring your right leg is over your left leg then Inhale and raise your right hand. Now bend your elbow.

– Bring your left arm out to the side and then behind your back to catch hold of the fingers of your right hand.

– Stay here and breathe.

– Now we repeat this on the other side, placing the left leg over the right leg and raising our left arm.

4. Kapalbhati

This asana oxygenates your body, energizes your mind and pumps all the stale oxygen out of your body. In Sanskrit, “kapalbhati” means “shining skull” so it gives you that beautiful yoga glow as well.

– Sit in a comfortable meditation posture. The head and spine should be straight with the hands resting on the knees in either chin or jnana mudra.

– Exhale through both nostrils with a forceful contraction of the abdominal muscles. The inhalation should take place passively by allowing the abdominal muscles to relax. Inhalation should be spontaneous.

– Continue doing this in a rhythmic fashion.

*three rounds of 20 pumpings as soon as you get out of bed. It’s best to do it first thing in the morning. If that’s not possible, then do it at any time of the day, just keep a two-hour gap after you have eaten your first meal.

5. Downward Dog

This asana is yoga’s most popular asana for good reason. It’s a fantastic all-body stretch and eases a lot of tension from your back. It’s also great for circulation because it gives a gentle inversion to the body. It also helps tone the arms, legs and tummy, so you can get rid of a tummy bloating as well.

– Come up on your palms and feet, pushing your hips up into the air.

– Your body should be in the shape of an inverted V.

– Your legs and arms should be straight and your body should be balanced.

– Don’t forget to breathe! Yoga is also about using your breath, so make yourself steady and comfortable in the asana.

*Begin by holding this asana for a minute. Then gradually build it up. You can do this at any time of the day or build it into your current fitness regime.

6. Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating asana which can reset and recharge your body and mind. It relaxes the legs, the back and the neck.

– Sitting in vajra asana, bring your head down on the floor in front of you.

– Your arms are on your sides. Your shoulders, neck and head should be relaxed.

– Add a twist to this by bringing your left arm out in front of you and your right arm underneath your head and to the left.

– Turn your head to the left so that your forehead is resting on the ground.

– Stay here, breathing and relaxing.

– Repeat the same on the other side.

*This is a great “time out” asana and can be done at any time of the day. It’s great before you go to bed because it helps relax and rejuvenate.

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