June 14, 2020
Coimbatore : There is sudden spike in the Covid-19 positive cases, as 16 new cases were reported today in Coimbatore, all who had entered the district in different mode of transports.
According to health department, four passengers, including one female, who arrived by flight from Muscat yesterday, tested positive.
Similarly six persons, including two female, who arrived from Arakonam by train two days ago, tested positive for the disease.
Another five persons, who were coming to the city were tested positive at Karumathampatti check post, they said.
This include 74 year old male and 64 year old female coming in their own car.
A female nurse working in a private hospital in Periyanaickenpalayamnon the outskirts was also tested positive.
All the 16 were admitted to ESI Hospital for treatment.