December 30, 2020
Coimbatore Corporation Commissioner Kumaravel Pandian said that training has been given to people in the areas under the Corporation of Coimbatore on the practice of sorting garbage.
In a few areas, however, unsorted rubbish is dumped on roadsides and in water bodies. Cooperation is required to make Coimbatore a cleaner city by inculcating the habit of sorting garbage. Currently, 186 small vehicles are in use to collect compostable and mecca debris. As well as five vehicles have arrived to collect recycled waste. These vehicles will go door to door and sort and collect garbage.
A granulation machine has been provided for disposal of garden waste in the areas of Coimbatore Corporation at the same place where the waste is generated. Green and blue buckets on garbage collection carts and recyclable plastic waste collection vehicles (Tata ace) sacks were provided to the cleaners. So the public and traders should separate the quality of garbage. Appropriate action will be taken if garbage is dumped on the roadside. A fine will also be imposed, said the Corporation Commissioner.