September 2, 2015
Creativity runs in her family’s genes and Simran Wahan is not the one to be left out. Her penchant for art has been passed down to her by her mother Meena Wahan.
“I was in school when my mama initiated me into the world of art. I was 14 years old then. She is my first teacher.” Simran says. While in college, during her free time, she would make and sell jewellery and gift boxes on order.
After her management degree, Simran found a job with an MNC and she shifted base to Bengaluru. But all through she knew this was not what she wanted to do. She went to Goa to learn the art of paper quilling, ceramic flower making, candle making among other art techniques from a Portuguese lady. Post the workshop she opened her store in Coimbatore in 2010 and since then the journey as Creative Director of brand Amaya has been remarkable.
Amaya recently celebrated its fifth anniversary and over the years it has earned the reputation of being the go-to store for handmade customized gifting products. “I have not worked towards creating and developing a brand image for my brand Amaya. I get customers through word-of-mouth and I let my work do the talking.” she says.
At the store are a variety of products that will please anyone. There are perfumed and non-perfumed candles in different sizes. There is jewellery, earrings, chains, rings and bangles that are on display. On the walls of the store are wall decorative pieces made from paper, they are doodle art work we are told. There are wind chimes and dream catchers, photo frames, homemade chocolates and soaps also for sale.
And on taking a closer look we learn that no two products are the same. A majority of products are created by Simran herself. Anything that she can put to use become her raw materials. She makes use of recycled paper, dry leaves, shells, bits of cloth, and old newspapers among others.
Apart from art work that is being sold at her store, Simran undertakes making of customized gifts, goodies and invitation for individuals and corporate houses. At any season she has her hands full with orders for creating invites for house warming ceremonies, props and accessories for themed birthday parties for children, return gifts for weddings, gift boxes (for Diwali and Christmas season). “Even when I work on bulk orders, no two pieces will be the same. I innovate upon the design, colour and the theme of what I create.”
It’s been five years since she made her passion her business, but the Creative Director of Amaya shows no signs of slowing down. She draws inspiration from her travelling expeditions.
“Travelling keeps me going. I make my observations about the place I visit and implement them in my creations. That reminds me that it is time for my next trip” she signs off.