June 26, 2020
Coimbatore : There is a sudden surge in the Covid-19 positive cases, with Salem having 111 and Coimbatore 43, taking the total to 599 and 393 respectively.
While Coimbatore reported 41 indigenous cases and two imported, Salem reported 86 indigenous and 25 imported cases, according to the Medical Bulletin.
Of the 397 cases 176 persons were discharges in Coimbatore, whereas 229 out of 599 were discharged from Salem with 368, undergoing treatment.
In Erode six new cases reported today took the total to 100, out of which 74 were discharged and 24 undergoing treatment with two deaths.
Tirupur also reported 14 new cases taking the total to 141, of which 117 were discharged and 24 under treatment.
In Nilgiris the total went up to 56, as seven new case were reported. While 21 were discharged, 35 undergoing treatment