October 6, 2018
Your best friend’s wedding is undoubtedly one of the most exciting events that you’re ever going to experience. You’re almost as involved as you would be in your own wedding preparations, except without all the additional stress that the bride inevitably starts to feel. Your best friend’s wedding will be fun, obviously, but there will be a few things that might catch you off-guard. Between helping her with all the wedding shopping, planning her bachelorette and thinking of songs to dance on at her sangeet, there are a few things that you might not think of, until the very last moment. We’re here to help you get prepped well before time so that you don’t, at any point, feel blindsided. It’s a journey you need to enjoy with your best friend, so feeling stressed out about things shouldn’t be an option.
Here are a few things to expect when your best friend is getting married.
1. High Expectations
Might sound ironic, but the first thing you should be expecting is high expectations from your best friend. As excited as she might be with all the wedding festivity around her, she is also bound to experience a host of different emotions. They could range from happy and excited one day to sad and nervous the next. It’s only natural for her to be feeling all these things given the changes she’s going through in her life. You’re her best friend, so the onus of listening to her and calming her down, even when she’s being unreasonable, does fall on you. Try and remain patient even when her demands and moods seem a little bizarre. Remember, you’ll want her to do the same when your time comes around.
2. High Expenditure
It might be your best friend’s wedding, but she’s not the only one who’ll end up spending a lot of money. Naturally, her expenditure will beat yours, any day, but there will be things that will drain your bank account as well. Spending money on what you’re going to wear is one thing, but you’ve also got to think about a special gift, maybe a bachelorette and even travel expenses if they decide to have a destination wedding. Additional cost of all the salon trips that you’re going to make is also something you need to keep in mind. A few months ahead of the wedding, make sure to start saving up. It isn’t going to be easy on your bank balance.
3. High Concern
You’re going to experience a sense of concern for your best friend and her well-being in a way that you didn’t know was possible. The gamut of emotions you’re about to feel ahead of his/her wedding will be unparalleled. That kept aside, you’re also going to start feeling a sense of concern for yourself, especially if your best friend is moving away to another city. If you’re used to doing most things together, you’re going to have some adjusting to do and you’re bound to feel some emptiness in their absence. You’ll be fine, but just know that there is a huge possibility of this happening, and be prepared.