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06 May 2024, Edition - 3219, Monday

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Health & Lifestyle

Try These 4 Ways To Use Your Unwanted Makeup



One of life’s greatest horror stories is when a product looks good while swatching it in a store and completely different back home. How many times has this happened to you? We know, we know; too often to admit. Whether it’s the new mascara everyone is talking about or that serum that your friend said worked wonders for her, every product doesn’t always have a happy ending back on your vanity table. Many times, they end up unused in a desk drawer with you giving them guilty looks every time you open it. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Rather than unwanted makeup collecting dust on your dresser, these 4 ways will help make better use of it.

1. Repurpose It

So the lipstick you picked up looks far too bright, giving you some serious circus vibes. All you need to do find another use for it than what it’s traditionally intended for. Instead of applying it on your lips, pat and blend the shade on the apples of your cheeks to turn it into a cream blush. The moisturiser that’s too greasy for your face can work better on dry patches of your elbows and knees. Foundation or concealer that’s too dark can be used as cream contour too. It’s a simple way to actually make use of your makeup rather than discovering it once it’s past the expiry date.

2. Save It

You may not think much of that dark lipstick or shimmer highlighter right now but don’t get ahead of yourself. Instead of tossing products you can’t find immediate use for, keep it at the back of your dresser for a few months. Sometimes, you’ll rediscover it for a theme party or glamourous night and you’ll be thankful you had it all along.

3. Fix It

Your hectic morning resulted in you dropping your favorite compact powder, which shattered into pieces. Since you didn’t have the heart to throw it out, it’s sitting at the back of your shelf. Fix it by using rubbing alcohol to mix the broken pieces back together and shape it in the pan. Once it dries, it will be the compact powder you knew and loved. Now go and try this with your broken eyeshadows and bronzers too.

4. Donate It

If it’s makeup you just don’t see yourself ever getting into (yeah, we’re talking about the pink glitter eyeshadow and blue lipstick you bought on a whim), pass it on. This only works for brand new makeup you haven’t used. If you’ve tried it just once or twice, sanitise it thoroughly and make a mention of this when donating. Individuals experimenting with their makeup skills or newbie makeup artists can find great use of products which you may not find yourself so they’re the best candidates for this.

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