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02 May 2024, Edition - 3215, Thursday

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Health & Lifestyle

Taking A Solo Trip? 3 Tips On How To Enjoy The Vacation



Travelling alone isn’t an idea that everything finds very attractive. Be it because they have safety concerns or because they think they will not be able to sustain a vacation in their own company, solo-travel is still something that everyone wants to try out at least once. Mostly because they want to see what all the brouhaha is about; that or they believe that it will fetch them some life altering clarity. Either way there are a lot of places one can go in India for a solo vacation – the mountains, the beaches, the touristy cities.

And if you are actually thinking of taking a solo trip, here are some tips to keep in mind to make sure you have fun.

Meet other people

One of the best things about traveling is that you get to meet a whole lot of new people. Try to make friends and build conversations with people at cafes, maybe at the hostel you stay at, the likes. That is one good way to break the monotony. Be confident enough to carry a conversation.

Don’t be glued to gadgets

Tempting as the idea might be (because the gadgets will keep you distracted), don’t use the phone and the tab as a way to kill time. You are, after all, travelling to a new place and the idea is to look around and take all that in.

Actually spend time discovering yourself

Make an experience out of a solo meal – order things you like and treat yourself. Tie up the loose ended thoughts inside your head, figure your life out and put pieces together. If you get lonely remind yourself why this is so amazing – this total freedom to do whatever you want on a vacation.

Outside your comfort zone isn’t that bad a place to be.

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