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04 May 2024, Edition - 3217, Saturday

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Health & Lifestyle

3 Things To Keep In Mind If You Have Trouble Sleeping



A good night’s sleep can be the cure for many things ranging from grumpy behaviour to overall immune system health. Not only does the lack of sleep result in you feeling groggy and tired for the rest of the day, but it also results in decreased energy and productivity, and can affect your overall health. Besides the negative side effects that lack of sleep can have, no one likes to toss and turn and feel restless all night long. There’s something especially disconcerting about not being able to sleep at night. There are small ways in which you can ensure that you sleep better at night. Here are a few things you should consider doing if you need some sound slumber.

1. Keep your electronics away at least an hour before bed

As your body’s ideal bedtime approaches, your body starts to release a chemical called melatonin which is a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness. However, your body needs the right cues to be able to start releasing this hormone. Melatonin is produced naturally at night which is detected by the body by reduced light entering the eyes. Sitting in front of screens that are lit have the same effect on the body as sitting in a bright room just before hitting the sack would. They are both stimulating and don’t allow for a proper transition to take place. So at least an hour before you want to fall asleep, make sure to keep your devices away and sit in a dimly lit room. Read a book, meditate, whatever helps – but avoid coming in direct contact with bright screens or lights.

2. Avoid exercising too late in the evening

Exercising is great, but exercising just before your bedtime, not so much. It is not recommended to workout before going to sleep simply because your heart rate and temperature go up when you work out. This can cause feelings of restlessness when all you really want to do is relax and fall asleep. If you find it difficult to work out at any other time other than at night because of time constraints, try some stretching and deep breathing post your workout. It’ll help your body cool down and signal your brain to release sleep-inducing melatonin sooner.

3. Cut out the caffeine after lunch

That means your daily 5pm coffee or even a glass of Coca-Cola that you might think of having with dinner. Caffeine is a stimulant that can stay in your body for upto 8 hours. This means that it can prevent you from falling into deep sleep or falling asleep at all. So if you’re someone who has trouble sleeping at night or are a very light sleeper, watch when you consume your caffeinated drinks.

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