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09 May 2024, Edition - 3222, Thursday

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Health & Lifestyle

3 Ways You Can Tend To Your Plants This Summer



Summer heat waves can be cruel to many things – our skin, animals on the street, our will to get out of the house at all. Oh, and the plants that we nurture in our balconies. The temperature these days is abysmally high and I can’t imagine what people outside must be going through. Speaking of outside, everyone should do their bit for the street animals and birds by leaving water outside the house for them to consume, maybe even food.

And now for the plants. Here are some tips for you to cater to them during the intense summer months.

Shade ’em up

Relocate your plants to an area in your balcony where they will not be in direct influence of the sun and away from the hottest part of the area. You can also choose to install a shade or tarpaulin to block direct sunlight.

Keep ’em watered

When you are watering your plants in the morning, water well and enough. Don’t over water your plant but since the heat will evaporate most of it you need to water the plants deeply. You can also assure your plant gets humidity constantly by keeping the pot atop a dish with water and pebbles to absorb moisture from.

Use the right fertiliser

Use compost or soil improver to increase your plant’s water holding capacity, one which retains water for long. Covering the soil with bark, pebbles, etc helps stop water in the soil to evaporate, therefore keeping the plants cool for a longer period.

Make sure your plants get as much care during the summer as you give to yourself. They are essential in maintaining the ecological balance, and also cool down the surroundings.

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