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07 May 2024, Edition - 3220, Tuesday

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Health & Lifestyle

The One Easy Hack That’ll Help You Lose More Weight Than Cardio



Okay, so there are millions of methods to lose weight, they all just need so much effort! Most of the time we find it hard to stick to a diet plan, and oh, don’t even mention the word ‘cardio’!

We all want to lose weight and be fit, but we just can’t be bothered. So, science has come up with a solution for you. For all the lazy girls out there, this is an easy method that involves just a little bit of movement. We promise, it’s only a ‘little’.

A new research has found that, just by standing on one of those fancy vibrating plates in the gym, your body gets fooled into thinking you’ve done a hell lot of exercise.

This research was tested on mice (in a favourable environment and technique) and showed some pretty impressive results, so we can only hope that our body works a little similar to the little creatures. They found that mice that could handle 20 minutes of vibration a day for 12 weeks increased their muscle mass and improved insulin sensitivity. This was actually equivalent to them walking for 45 minutes a day on a treadmill for 12 weeks. Ugh, as if we can be asked walking on a treadmill!

Scientists have recommended that standing on the vibrating platforms for a while can make cells stronger and help obese people lose a little weight, but mostly, get them prepared to eventually start exercising.

And for even better results, try planks, squats and lunges on the vibrating platform instead of your usual yoga mat. And it actually counts as cardio if you do some aerobics on it.

Now, excuse us while we go renew our gym memberships!!

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