October 9, 2021
Palliative and hospice care services have come into being at the PSG hospitals in Coimbatore. Called PSG Santham,they were inaugurated on Saturday by Mr. Gopalakrishnan (Managing Trustee – PSG institutions )in the presence of Kezevino Aram ,(president Shanthi Ashram ), Dr. Smriti Rana (Director – programs – Pallum India Trivandrum ), Dr.Balaji (Managing Trustee, Coimbatore Cancer Foundation) and Dr. J.S .Bhuvaneswaran ( Director , PSG Super Speciality hospital ).
The message conveyed on the occasion was that generosity and helpfulness especially towards the needy or suffering is the need of the hour.In tune with the Founder’s words “ let there be charity so others can share my families prosperity”,the PSG was growing richer and more profound in ren dering service to the society .
Palliative care was explicitly recognized under the human right to health.It should be provided through person -centered and integrated health services that pay special attention to the specific needs and preferences of individuals . Hence PSG Hospitals had come forward to carter the requirements of health care .
Core Competencies:
1. outpatient services
2. Inpatient / referral services
3.expertises in pain &symptom management
4.Multidisciplinary approach
5.holistic and whole person care
6.supportive care during disease directed therapies
7. advanced health related communications
8.end of life care
9. bereavement support/grief counselling
The department has daily OP services,palliative care inpatient unit and consultation Liason .It has expanded its services to exclusive pallaitive care for not only cancer but chronic kidney, heart , lung. Neuro and geriatric cases. Which come under the serious health related suffering (SHS) category.
The cost will be very affordable and subsidized.
The services will also include Respite care and day care services for the patients.