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02 Jun 2024, Edition - 3246, Sunday

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Real Estate

Earth Matters: Sustainable Living Begins At Home With These Steps

Covai Post Network


Gayatri Talukdar

Sustainable living is a way of living in which humans strive to use less of natural resources by making lifestyle changes with an aim to maintain ecological balance. And in the process, humans lead a healthy life without doing much damage to the Earth’s resources. In new and upcoming apartments in India, there is a marked shift towards sustainable living.

Here are some simple tips for sustainable living:

1. Creativity in recycling

If you have big boxes, plastic bottles, old clothes, cans, etc., use them. Boxes can be used as storage for your children’s toys or cleaning tools. Cut the bottle in half and make it a stationary holder. If you have an old shirt but don’t want to wear it or throw it because of the pretty print, turn it into a tablecloth for small, round or corner table.

2. Donate old clothes

Fashion keeps changing. And, if you think you need a new wardrobe, what do you do with the old clothes? Just donate them. Those in need will be more than happy to accept your old clothes.

Do not use plastic bags at grocery shopsDo not use plastic bags at grocery shops (Picture Credit: greenupgrader.com)

3. Say no to plastic bags

Every time you go to the grocery shop, make it a point to not use plastic bags. Do you remember that nice, big bag you had bought long back and dumped it in the storeroom because you felt it was too big? Take it out; it’s better to carry a big bag rather than carry several small plastic bags.

4. Switch off lights, electric appliances

Switch off the lights and fans while leaving a room of the apartment in the residential project in India. It needs a little effort to change your habits. Remember, power saved is power produced.

5. Car pool

If you use your own car to get to work, take your colleagues who stay in the neighborhood or in the same new apartments in India with you. Apart from getting company, the journey will be stress free. Have a chat about the things you have read in the newspaper this morning or sing along to the ’90s song playing on the radio.

6. Use your printer effectively

If you are printing documents, print on both sides. Don’t use huge fonts if not necessary. If required, you can print multiple pages on a single page by using advanced settings. This will help you save paper, which in turn would mean that lesser number of trees would be felled.

7. Switch to CFL or LED lighting

Forget your incandescent bulbs and start using florescent bulbs or LED lamps. They use less electricity and emit less heat, and they shine bright.

8. Accessorize with succulent plants

These funky plants have thick and fleshy leaves and retain water. They come with odd colors and sizes, and are low-maintenance plant that creates fresh air at home. Having them by your window will keep you in touch with nature and at the same time add to your home décor. You can switch them with other plants such as water lilies or golden pothos.

9. Save rainwater

Invest in rainwater harvesting equipment. The water you store after a heavy downpour can be used to water your plant, clean your home or even wash your car.

10. Fix leaking taps

If you see water dripping from a leaking tap, call the plumber immediately and get it fixed. You are doing yourself and the environment a big favor.

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