June 14, 2017
The Salem Division of Southern Railway has installed disabled-friendly toilets in platform 3 and 4 in Salem junction.
They have been developed in co-ordination with Round Table 28, a Salem-based NGO involved in betterment of facilities for the differently-abled.
A ramp has been provided at the entrance of the lounge and to the toilet, to enable these passengers to enter the toilet in the wheel chair itself.
The function was presided by ADRM Chandrapal in the presence of Senior DCM Vijuvin.
“I thank the Round Table for having come forward to join hands with Southern Railway in the betterment of passenger amenities and to achieve the goal of the Prime Minister’s Swachch Bharat campaign,” said Chandrapal.
“The present renovation of disabled-friendly toilets have been completed at a cost of Rs.6.5 lakh and Round Table will take up more such projects along with the Railways in helping passengers,” Round Table 28 member Subbu said.
“Passengers should cooperate with the Railways in maintaining clean stations,” Vijuvin said.