September 7, 2015
When N. Basha, a fruit seller at Saravanampatty, opened a Britannia Milk Bikies packet that he had bought from a local grocery shop for his children, he was shocked to find insects in it.
When he examined the expiry date, he found it to be six months later. He complained to the shopkeeper who told him that he had nothing to do with it as it was supplied by the dealer of that area. He asked Basha to file a complaint with the supplier.
When Basha tried to contact the dealer there was no proper response. Annoyed by this he took the biscuit packet to the Food Safety Department office at Race Course and registered a complaint.
Basha told the media that he had requested the Department to take stern action. Food Safety Officer Kathiravan was not available for comment, but sources said that appropriate measures would be taken.