February 27, 2023
21st Graduation Day ceremony was solemnized in Nehru Arts and Science College on 25.02.2023 at P. K. Das Memorial Auditorium. The Function began with the Academic Procession of the Principal, Chief Guest, Managing Trustee, Secretary and the HoDs.
Dr. P. KRISHNA KUMAR, CEO & Secretary, Nehru Group of Institutions presided over the function. He insisted the importance of Academic Enrichment of Students and they must exhibit it for the benefit of the Society. He emphasized that the students must be trained in accordance with the requirements of the Industry and the needs of the Society. He also highlighted that the Higher Education system should mould the students to elevate them to the Pinnacle of Success.
Dr. B. ANIRUDHAN, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College, welcomed the Graduates. In addition he expressed his vision for the future and stressed the students to envisage the growth through their sincere efforts towards the societal development.
Dr. Y. SREENIVAS RAO, Director, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Defense Research and Development Organisation, Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradesh was the Chief Guest. In his inaugural address, he pointed out the Significance of Higher Education. He stated that Teachers must act as Mentor and Trainer by enhancing the students to manifest their knowledge for the development of Our Nation.
Dr. S. JAYAPRIYA, Convener of the programme proposed the Vote of Thanks