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06 Feb 2025, Edition - 3495, Thursday

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Operation COVID-19 control in Nilgiris



A plan to fight the Corona virus collectively has been put in place in the Nilgiris. Called the COVID – Community and Vigilance Initiative it will be implemented by the district administration with the involvement of local communities. This was decided on at a Covid review meeting held in Coonoor on Tuesday with the pandemic monitoring officer for the Nilgiris Ms.Supriya Sahu in the chair. Among the participants were the Nilgiri Collector Ms.J.Innocent Divya,Mr.Sasi Mohan, Superintendent of Police and Mr.Ranjeeth Singh, Sub-Collector.

The plan will include local leaders who will ensure a comprehensive prevention and containment of the Corona virus outbreak at the local level.

Towards this the Community Leaders from various villages including Tribal Villages would be roped in. These leaders would be oriented on
most critical prevention activities including wearing of Masks correctly, correct hand washing techniques, sanitization of public places and strengthening of the immune system etc.

Community leaders would be provided with critical information to help the District. Administration in keeping a vigil on movement of people and violation of the Social Distancing norms in their respective villages.

The initiative would be extremely helpful in enforcing Intensive Prevention Measures at the grass roots level. Village leaders would also be provided with notices containing important information “Dos and Don’ts” and would be asked to announce preventive measures through
loud speakers in their respective villages at regular intervals. Community vigil would be a critical initiative to bank on the resilience of Local Communities to strengthen the efforts of the.District Administration.

It was also decided to keep a “Hyper Local Database” recorded in a.register by the village Revenue officials about movements of people
particularly monitoring the entry and arrival of new residents. Emphasis will be laid on immediate contact tracing and isolation of the suspected/ positive cases. All methodologies of identification and alerting people who have supposedly come into contact with infected person(s) will be strengthened.

District Administration will reach out to the following groups in the District:

(i) Youth Groups at village level

(ii) Self Help Groups Women Leaders through Federations

(iii) AII Market Associations and business leaders

(iv) Panchayat Leaders etc.

Orientation -cum- Training would be given to the leaders of the above groups creating Master Trainers. These Master Trainers would spread
awareness and provide correct information to stakeholders and others in their respective areas. They will educate and support download of
“AarogyaSetu” and keep themselves updated. Immunity Boosters like “Kabasura Kudineer”, ” Multi-Vitamin Tablets”, “Vitamin-C”, Zinc
tablet, Arsenic Alba etc. will be provided adequately, specially to vulnerable groups like old people and people with co-morbidities.

District Administration will also strengthen the vigil at border areas and ensure more random testing to ensure that unnecessary travel is not encouraged.

Focus will also be on effective monitoring and regulation of market areas, Bus shelters, Key public gathering spots and ensuring effective
social distancing, sanitization, hygiene, personal protection and other Corona preventive measures.

In tribal areas the following steps will be taken.

a.) Comprehensive testing in villages

b.) Tribal communities will be screened for diabetes, hypertension and

c.) Awareness will be created on social distancing and cough etiquette.

d.) Leaders of the village will be motivated to report any case of fever or symptoms to in-charge nodal officers so that appropriate
action can be taken.

e.) They will also be motivated to report any people entering their area with a history of travel outside the Nilgiris district.

f.) Nutrition supplementation will be  ensured and necessary tablets distributed.

For migrant labourers it has been decided to set up a migrant desk and ensure effective screening of migrants. Camps will be organized for screening fever, respiratory illness, Diabetes and hypertension. If anyone is found, appropriate management will be initiated. Awareness sessions will be organized for them on Do’s and Don’ts during this period.

IECs in their native language will also be made available.  For treatment medical teams will be organized and provided with an active plan for coverage.  Rapid response teams will be.formed and they  will be deployed as soon as a positive case is identified. They will perform the function of mobilization of the concerned patient, contact tracing, field surveillance, containment area specification etc., Designated centres already identified for admission of stable COVID-l9 patients will be constantly inspected for preparedness.

Adequate beds will be ensured to cope with any unexpected rise in case load

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