December 5, 2020
G. Yogabalaji, a pre-final year student from Civil Engineering Department, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Neelambur, Coimbatore had received the prestigious student level “GREEN PIN Recognition 2020” from UNSECO.
He participated in the International conference on “Climate Reality Projects”conducted by UNSECO. He created awareness about the climatic changes to the school students in Coimbatore and Madurai.By observing his contributions, Ministry of Human Resources Development, India included him as a member in the “Samadhan” – a challenge to fight against Covid19 and future.
G.Yogabalaji was the only student representative from India and delivered a lecture regarding the implications of Global Warming and Climatic Changes in the above conference.
He was conferred the Green PinRecognition 2020 for his commendable presentation in the above conference from the former Vice President of America AlGore.