November 19, 2018
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is scheduled to conduct the CTET 2018 examination on December 9, 2018 and the admit card will be released next week.
The CTET shall apply to schools of the central government (KVS, NVS, Central Tibetan Schools, etc.) and schools under the administrative control of all the UTs.
CBSE CTET 2018: Exam pattern
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will be asked. There will be no negative marking.
Paper 1: Candidates interested in teaching from Class 1 to 5
Paper 2: Candidates interested in teaching from Class 6 to 8
Those who want to teach at both the levels will have to appear for both these papers.
CBSE CTET 2018: Detailed syllabus
Paper I (for classes I to V)
Child Development and Pedagogy (30 questions)
Child Development (Primary School Child): 15 Questions
Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special need: (Questions- 5)
Learning and Pedagogy (Questions- 10)
Language I (Questions- 30)
Language Comprehension (Questions- 15)
Pedagogy of Language Development (Questions- 15)
Language – II (Questions- 30)
Comprehension (Questions- 15)
Pedagogy of Language Development (Questions- 15)
Mathematics (Questions- 30)
Content (Questions- 15)
Pedagogical issues (Questions- 15)
Pedagogical Issues (Questions- 15)
Paper II (for classes VI to VIII)
Child Development and Pedagogy (Questions- 30)
Child Development (Elementary School Child) (Questions- 15)
Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs (Questions- 5)
Learning and Pedagogy (Questions- 10) .
Language I (Questions- 30)
Language Comprehension (Questions- 15)
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
Language Skills
Language – II (Questions- 30)
Comprehension (Questions- 15)
Language Skills
Mathematics (Questions- 30)
Content (Questions- 20)
Pedagogical issues (Questions- 10)
Science (Questions- 30)
Content (Questions- 20)
Pedagogical issues (Questions- 10)
Pedagogical issues (Questions- 20)
Books to follow for CBSE CTET 2018
It is advised that candidates need to follow NCERT books as the questions will be based on syllabus for classes 1 to 5.
Qualifying marks for CBSE CTET 2018
You need 60 per cent or above to qualify the TET exam.
The validity of CTET qualifying certificate will be seven years from the date of declaration of its result.