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04 May 2024, Edition - 3217, Saturday

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Health Matters

Sculpting your Body with Asans -I

Yogi Ashwini


People who do over-exercising and excessive gymming do tend to look slim but symptoms of ageing set in very fast in them – wrinkles, grey hair, loss of glow… as every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The faster you breathe and the more you exert yourself, more is the energy produced and equal and opposite reaction is premature ageing symptoms. You would have heard of people dying of sudden heart attacks or cancer in early years. This is an equal and opposite reaction of over straining the body.

Sanatan Kriya brings the various layers of body in a state of balance, optimising the metabolic rate and enhancing longevity. Regular practice elevates consciousness and it is through heightened state of consciousness that changes are affected in the body and environment. There are live examples of practitioners at Dhyan Ashram, who have used this power of consciousness to get the body they desired, to improve relationships and finances at an elementary level and combined with certain mantra sadhnas to manifest thoughts and even devs and devis…

In this series, I will take you through a set of Body Sculpting asanas, which are a part of Self-Healing with Sanatan Kriya. Its important to maintain ujjai breathing and synchronising each movement with your breath.

Namaskar in Vajrasan: Sit in Vajrasan. That is, with your knees placed together and legs folded such that your buttocks rest on your heels. The big toes overlap, right over the left. Place your palms together in a namaskar and raise the arms above your head, keeping elbows straight. Hold this posture for as long as you can (can start with one minute, and gradually increase the duration), maintaining ujjai and internal awareness.

Sarp asan: Lie on your stomach, heels together, forehead on the ground. Interlock your fingers and place the hands on the hips. Take a deep breath, stretch your arms backwards and raise your upper body, keeping the head parallel to the ground. Exhaling, gently release and come down. Repeat this seven times dynamically. People with heart conditions and high blood pressure must not strain while performing this asana.

Bhujang asan: Place your elbows close to the waist, the palms facing downwards next to the chest. Inhale. Gently raise your forehead, followed by the neck, the shoulders, and the upper and middle back such that the navel rests on the ground. Gently tilt the head backward such that the chin is pointing forward. The elbows are raised slightly off the ground and held close to the waist. Exhaling, return in the reverse order, head coming down the last. Repeat this seven times dynamically. People suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism must not practice this without expert guidance.

The breath rate or heart rate should not should not go up while doing any yogic kriya. For learning how to practice the below asans properly with chakra awareness and to reap its benefits it is advised to visit a Dhyan Foundation center in your city.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and can be reached at www.dhyanfoundation.com.

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the author’s own.

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