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05 May 2024, Edition - 3218, Sunday

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Health Matters

Activating your chakras for a healthy you – ​​Yog Nidra

Covai Post Network


In this article, we conclude our series on Chakra Beej Asans, where we discussed the Chakra Beej Kriya, a set of asans and dhwanis that taps into the phenomenal power of six major chakras in the body namely, Mooladhar, Swadhishthan, Manipoorak, Anahad, Vishuddhi and Agya chakras.

Having successfully completed the asans and mantras for the six major chakras, we move onto relaxing the body with Yog Nidra. It is extremely important to relax the body and various energy points to distribute the energy generated in the process of kriya.

 For this, lie down in shavasana with your body loose, feet slightly apart and palms on either side of the body, facing skyward. Close your eyes and watch your breath at the tip of the nostrils. With one deep inhalation, take your awareness to the left big toe, then all the toes in your left foot, slowly moving upwards to entire foot, ankle, knee and from here gently move up the entire left leg.

Similarly then take your awareness to your right big toe and gently move upwards keeping awareness of each and every part of the right leg. Now bring your awareness on the left arm and move upwards very slowly from fingertips to the shoulder observing each and every body part.

Now move to the right arm repeat the same. Next you take your awareness to the abdomen, all the internal organs, lower back, upper back, upto the top of the head, visiting each and every cell and organ and relaxing and nourishing it with the strength of your awareness.Next be aware of the weight in the body and drop this weight in the core of the earth, leaving your body light and weightless. Next be aware of a whitish blue light at the top of the head and sweep your body seven times with this light, from head to toe.

Now take your awareness to the center of the chest cavity (anahad chakra) and from here, holding the hand of your guru, drop all your awareness, let go. Let there be no thoughts or movements beyond this point.

Come back when you feel like. Whenever you come back, enter the body through the agya (crown) chakra, pay reverence to the Guru and once again become aware of the entire body brimming with youthful strength and glow. Open your eyes and look at the centre of your palms first, then the whole body.

Yog Nidra has the instant effect of soothing and calming the body and also replenishing it. As you perform this kriya, gradually the glow increases and breath stabilises.

The energy that has been generated is directed towards strengthening various parts of the body through these asans and beej mantras.

It is advised that you visit your nearest Dhyan Foundation center to learn the correct way to practice asans. The effect of all these asans becomes manifold when practiced under the guidance of your Guru who channelises energy into each asan.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, ‘Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension’ is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to www.dhyanfoundation.com or mail to [email protected] for more.




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