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04 May 2024, Edition - 3217, Saturday

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Health Matters

5 Best Nuts To Consume While On A Weight Loss Journey



If you are on a weight loss journey, you would know how important it is to eat the right foods in the right quantity. In this world of various health foods, nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts, raisins, etc. have emerged as superfoods in the recent past and how. They are highly nutritious; power-packed with various vitamins, minerals, fats, protein and fiber among others. They are also known to help shed off extra kilos; thanks to the fiber and proteins they contain. While all of the nuts have some or the other health benefits to offer, not all of them may be best to lose weight. If you are planning to cut down on those flabs, here are the nuts you need to add in your daily diet.According to Rachit Dua, Certified Fitness Coach and Senior Fitness Consultant with Team Aminder, “Nuts are one of the most nutritionally dense foods that we humans have. They offer a beautiful combination of healthy essential fats for all your vital hormones, fiber for your intestinal health, proteins for the cellular repair & recovery and of course, carbohydrates for energy that keeps you going.”

Here are the best nuts that you should consume to lose weights as suggested by Rachit Dua-

1. Almonds

Almonds contain good amounts of healthy fats that are useful for the body. It also contains good amount of fiber that aids digestion of food and ensure a healthy bowel movement. Almonds have a high protein content due to which you can easily develop a lean muscle mass. The mono-unsaturated fats maintain and reduce our body mass index.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts are nutrient dense foods, power-packed with minerals like manganese and copper. It also contains an antioxidant compound known as ellagic acid that helps to block metabolic processes like inflammation that may lead to insulin resistance and diabetes. Walnuts help lose weight; thanks to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber that make you feel satiated, hence leaving you crave lesser for foods.

3. Peanuts

Peanuts are not from the nut family; however, their nutrient content is generally similar to nuts. Peanuts are packed with nutrients including fiber, protein and heart-healthy fats. Protein and fiber both are responsible for increasing satiety, which in turn help reduce hunger pangs, which further makes it easier to control your overall calorie intake during weight loss. Protein is said to burn your calories, as per a study published in The Journal of Nutrition.

4. Pistachios

Pistachios or pistas are high in fiber content, which keeps you fuller for long, thus preventing over-eating. The fiber present in this nut also helps in boosting metabolism. Moreover, the soluble mono-unsaturated fats in pista may help prevent weight gain.

5. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are loaded with dietary fiber that ensures a better digestion and a good gut health. A high-fiber diet can benefit both heart and digestive health. Eating more of hazelnuts may assist with weight management by keeping you feeling full for longer.

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