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03 May 2024, Edition - 3216, Friday

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Health Matters

The good thing about this sweltering heat, you can build more muscles. Don’t believe? Hear it from the expert

Indrani Thakurata


How do you build more muscle in summers? If you would like to build muscle fast in summer, then focus on the right diet and perfect workout. Reason you want to grow muscle might include wishing to look fit to take a tour to the beach or looking slim while wearing summer clothes. Regardless of why you think to gain muscle requires attention to make your diet healthy and regular exercise. Below listed are few tips from Dietician Sheela Seharawat that you can follow to gain muscles in summers:

●Consuming healthy breakfast is vital in the morning. Breakfast is the essential meal of the day. Your daily meal should include boiled eggs, cereals, which will provide quality protein and nutrition for your health. Remember never miss the breakfast!

●After 2 or 3 hours of breakfast consume protein, shake which will surely help you to gain muscles. The protein shake will help you to build muscle rapidly in summers. Prepare protein shake and make it a habit of consuming it after the breakfast.

●After consuming protein shake, you should go for workouts. Your exercise should compound and regular. After these exercises, you must consume another glass of protein shake, which will help to build the muscle quickly.

●Eat meal high in carbohydrate with some proteins and this will ensure the body muscle growth and repair. Make healthy food choices, eat fresh vegetables, fruits, and consume lots of water. With protein supplements, you can include other fresh foods into your daily diet plan.

Enhance your carb

Potatoes and rice will significantly build your muscle fast. Prepare an easy recipe by boiling potatoes with low-sodium chicken broth and add freshly grated ginger in it. This will add flavor to enhance your carb and great meal prep.

Now, prepare your own salad dressing and create a tremendous meal for you. Get fat free Geek yogurt, yellow mustard-2tsp, 1 tbsp lemon juice, This will help to enhance your muscle growth.

Nutritional value-12 gram protein

8 grams carb

Eat egg yolks in night: The egg should be under cooked slightly. Having egg yolks in night will rebuild your muscle. Hence, nighttime is the best time when your body rebuilds or recovers naturally. Eating eggs at this time inspires the process.

Eat Kimchi this is the Korean pickles: This specially made up with shredded cabbage and organic Korean spices. Including this in your meal will surely help to grow your muscle. This pickle packed with prebiotic bacteria, which will help you increase metabolism and digest food.

Get organic foods : Organic foods will help you to gain muscle rapidly in summers. Foods like avocados, bananas are right choice to consume in summer. Try to eat fresh fruits and get more muscle naturally.

Add vegetables in your meal : Adding more vegetables in your daily meal will increase your muscle and you will look healthy and fit naturally. Vegetables will boost your energy and you will have more muscle gained in summers by consuming ample of vegetables and fruits.

Getting a robust physique is not difficult. By consuming protein and nutritious foods will transform your body quickly and get a body most people have only a dream of having!

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