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07 May 2024, Edition - 3220, Tuesday

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Health Matters

Weight Loss: Eating Horse Gram (Kulthi Ki Dal) May Help You Shed Kilos



Are you looking to shed 5-6 kilos in a month? If yes, then you have come to the right place, as we are going to tell you how. Most of us follow crash diets and fad diets in order to lose quick weight; however, these diets are only short-lived, plus they are not good for our health. In fact, according to various scientific studies, crash dieting would result in more belly fat and less muscle. Therefore, fad or crash diets or deprivation is not the solution for weight loss, creating a balance is. It is important to consume the right type of foods in the right amount to support a healthy lifestyle. One such food that we can add to our weight loss diet is horse gram, or kulthi ki dal as we call it in Hindi.

Horse Gram For Weight Loss

C. According to experts, adding horse gram lentil to our diet will not only accelerate our weight loss journey but will also help fill the gap of all the essential nutrients that our body requires. If you follow a vegetarian or a vegan diet, horse gram is the best source of protein that you can include in your diet. Other than protein, it is loaded with dietary fibre, vitamins, and minerals and is low in calories, which makes it an amazing food for everyone, especially for the ones who are watching their weight.

Power-Packed With Dietary Fibre

Fibre is a non-digestible, plant-derived carbohydrate that comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibres mix with water from the food we eat and result in the formation of a gel in the stomach, which reduces the production of cholesterol in our body. Whereas, insoluble fibres are known as roughage and their main function is to make the stool bulky, which makes it easier to defecate. According to a Delhi-based nutritionist, Dr. Ritika Samaddar, “Fibre is a very important part of our daily diet and if you are losing weight, then it is important to load up on foods that are rich in fibre. Insoluble fibres are generally recommended to the ones who are trying to lose weight. An average adult should take about 15 grams of fibre every day.”

Low In Calories

Horse gram is very low in calories and is categorised under negative calories foods (digesting these foods takes up more calories than what they inherently contain). If you are trying to lose weight, you can consume horse gram as much as you want, but remember moderation is the key. Moreover, the high protein and fibre content of horse gram will keep you fuller for a long time.

High In Protein

Horse gram is a great source of plant-based protein, which helps in weight loss. It increases levels of appetite-reducing hormones like GLP-1, PYY and CCK, while reducing levels of the hunger hormone – ghrelin, which makes us crave less to eat, thus aiding weight loss.

Easy On Tummy

Horse gram is packed with fibres, both insoluble and soluble. Fibre helps flush out all the toxins from the colon and regulates the speed of digestion. It also adds bulk to the stool, which aids smoother bowel movements. All of this ultimately facilitates weight loss.

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