February 1, 2020
Coimbatore : Over 100 top government officials including 84 IAS officers from 19 States, participated in the Inner Engineering (IE) Leadership Program at Isha Yoga Center here.
The 5-day residential program was held between January 27 and 31
The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India is offering several training programs for its officers, conducted by Indian and international institutions and IE Leadership program is one of several training programs that officers can choose from.
The 5-day IE module included Upa-yoga sessions, initiation into Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya and a leadership module that focuses on bringing balance and stability into one’s life which can have a lasting impact on personal and professional productivity, interpersonal relationships and the quality of decision-making, a Isha release said Saturday.
Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and Additional Secretaries among other high-ranking officers from 19 Indian states participated in the program and several participants termed the experience as “overwhelming” and lauded Isha volunteers for “impeccable organization and execution.”
This is the 6th DoPT program that Isha has conducted over the last 5 years.
The IE Leadership module is specially designed by Isha Founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and is offered to leaders in positions of influence whose decisions may affect several thousand lives, the release said.
IE is a technology derived from the ancient science of yoga,offers tools to engineer oneself for inner well-being. It helps establish an inner foundation and vision for all dimensions of life and find the necessary balance between the challenges of a hectic lifestyle and the inner longing for peace and well being.
It deepens one’s perception and creates a dimensional shift in the very way one looks at life and engages with the world.