April 20, 2020
There has been a steep increase in the demand for Personal Protective Equipment, hand sanitisers and face masks as the world has been put in the horrific grip of the dreaded corona virus.
As it is very vital to ensure the safety of healthcare professionals who are in the frontline fighting the virus as they come into close contact with infected persons regularly,
GE Oil and Gas, as part of its CSR initiative, has partnered with the Rotary Club of Coimbatore Spectrum and sponsored 2220 PPE kits costing Rs.10 lakhs, out of which 1050 were given to the ESI hospital, Coimbatore, 500 and 300 to the Coimbatore Corporation and the Government Hospital respectively.
The remaining kits will be distributed where ever it is required. The total allocation was Rs.35 lakhs and Rs.10 lakhs has been spent in the 1st phase.
The District Collector, K.Rajamani handed over the kits to Dr.A.Nirmala, Dean, ESI Hospital, lauded the initiative.
Jayakanthan, Operations Manager, Rajesh-Facilities Manger and Thiagaraja, Quality Leader were present from GE Oil and Gas, while Rtn.S.Muthukumar, Rtn.P.Kumaresan and Rtn.C.G.Kumar from Rotary Club of Coimbatore Spectrum, RI District 3201, were also present.