June 26, 2020
Coimbatore Round Table No:9 and Ladies Circle No:1 constructed and inaugurated three class room blocks at Panchayat Union Middle School at Rakkipalayam, Coimbatore on 11th June 2020.
The classrooms are expected to benefit about 207 students, currently the strength of the school.
Round table No 9 has constructed over 26 such school blocks over the past 54 years across the rural areas of Coimbatore District, supported by Coimbatore Ladies Circle No 1. The latter have also been involved in building toilet blocks for girls schools, primary health centers besides providing and distributing books and uniforms. Distribution of healthcare aids for school children is also part of their project.
The new block was inaugurated by Nidhi Gupta, National President – Ladies Circle India, Vidhyadharan Area 7 Chairman, Round Table India and Shivani Dalmia, Area 7 Chairperson, Ladies Circle India in the presence of Sakthibalan, Chairman, CRT9 and Vinu, Chairperson CLC 1.