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14 Jun 2024, Edition - 3258, Friday

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Karnataka election 2018: The final shoutdown



The high-decibel and fierce campaigning in Karnataka ended on Thursday with Rahul Gandhi and Amit Shah firing a barrage of barbs and allegations. In his spunkiest press meet so far, Rahul blasted Prime Minister Narendra Modi and defended his mother Sonia Gandhi. The BJP president, however, avoided targeting Rahul, claiming instead that the party will snag more than 130 seats and form the government on its own.


Expectations from elections

BJP will win over 130 seats. We wont need any alliance, and form the govt on our own.

Siddaramaiah will lose

We have ended our campaign with a historic road show in Badami. Siddaramaiah has changed his constituency and he is contesting in Badami. He will lose there too. His government is a complete failure.

Congress using unfair means

The Congress is so desperate that it is employing unfair means. They want to win the Assembly elections by hook or by crook.

Truck with extremist groups

We can lose elections, but cant align ourselves with Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) and Popular Front of India (PFI). The Congress takes support of SDPI and PFI to win elections.

Farmers issue

The Siddaramaiah government did nothing for farmers and it is not even ready to give answers for its failure. In the last five years, more than 3,500 farmers in Karnataka have committed suicide – a 173% rise in farmers suicide rate.

On not giving tickets to Muslims

We dont distribute tickets on the basis of religion.

Personal attacks

Personal attacks might comprise only two-three minutes of an entire campaign, but it gets highlighted more due to TRP ratings.


On Modi

I am a lightning rod for anger. I attract anger from PM Modi because he views me as a threat. Modi has got anger inside him. He is angry with everybody, not only me.

Italian Origin of sonia

My mother is more Indian than many Indian people I have met. If the PM likes to abuse her, he may do so if it pleases him. My mother is Italian. She has lived larger part of her life in India.

Rape reports

Are you trying to say that politicians should remain silent while the women of this country are raped? Atrocities against women are absolutely a political and a national issue. Modi likes to discuss bullet train, but not fundamental issues.

Temple-hopping & election hindu

Through the last 15 years, I’ve been visiting temples, mosques, gurdwaras. I don’t think they understand meaning of the term Hindu. It is a perspective… When BJP uses the term, it is Election Hindu.

Modis silence on Dalit issues

When Rohith Vemula was killed, Modi did not say a word. When Dalits are killed and humiliated in other parts of India, Modi doesn’t say anything. Congress will defend the rights of Dalits and raise their issues.

Fake voter ID cards

Whatever comes out of PMs mouth is what is actually in his heart. He is absolutely convinced now, and he is right, that he is going to lose Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, MP, Rajasthan… and he is going to lose in 2019.

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