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03 May 2024, Edition - 3216, Friday

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Health Matters

Weight Loss: Drink Lemon Ginger Tea To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals



We often browse through some popular celebrity magazines to check out those well-toned and sculpted bodies, and wonder how these celebrities manage to look so amazing. Perhaps they have a luxury to hire a fitness trainer or a nutritionist, but that’s not all true. Even you can achieve your weight loss goals by simply investing your little time and dedication along with healthy diet and regular workout. Moreover, supplementing your weight loss diet with a few natural ingredients may accelerate your weight loss programme. For this, you can bring lemon and ginger to your rescue.

Lemons are packed with vitamin B6, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, flavonoids, antioxidants and phosphorus. Including lemon in your weight loss diet may boost your digestion and keep your tummy woes like constipation at bay. Moreover, lemon is very low on calorie count. So, you may add lemon juice to your herbal tea without any guilt, as it will not only enhance the taste of your tea but will also help you manage weight without increasing the calorie intake. Additionally, lemon juice promotes satiety and fullness, all thanks to the presence of pectin fibre in it. Fibre takes long to digest and you feel less hungry and binge less. This is why many health experts and dietitians suggest adding lemon to weight loss diets.

Ginger is well-known for its health promoting properties, including anti-inflammatory and gastric properties, which boost our digestive system. Dr. Shikha Sharma in her book ‘101 Weight Loss Tips’ writes, “Drinking adrak in water early in the morning is good as it reduces water retention and helps in digestion, especially for kapha and vata constitution people.” Moreover, ginger has a thermogenic effect, which keeps our metabolism strong, making it a potent fat burner. According to the book, “The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies’ by Dr. Vasant Lad, “The first key to prevention of indigestion is to enhance the digestive fire.”

Lemon Ginger Tea For Weight Loss

There are various types of herbal teas that you may use to manage weight and one of them is lemon ginger tea. To make lemon ginger tea at home, all you need is two teaspoon of lemon juice, half cup of grated ginger and one teaspoon raw honey. Now, take a bowl and mix all the ingredients in it. Put them in your refrigerator overnight. You will have a thick mixture the next morning. The juices of ginger and lemon with honey will give it a thick consistency. Add 1 teaspoon of mixture in a cup of hot water and mix well. Your lemon ginger tea for weight loss is ready!

You may drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and sip one post lunch. But, make sure to combine it with exercises and a healthy diet. Consult your doctor before introducing any new ingredient to your diet.

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