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01 May 2024, Edition - 3214, Wednesday

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Health Matters

5 Side Effects Of Garlic You Must Be Aware Of



If you happen to be a garlic lover who loves to gorge on everything garlicky, then it’s time for you to get a reality check! Garlic is one of the most common ingredients in Indian kitchens, and is being consumed for more than thousand years now. It is not only used for cooking, but is often considered as a medicine as well. There are various varieties of garlic and the most popular ones are hardneck and softneck. Garlic helps to prevent many diseases because of its medicine properties. However, like everything has its own pros and cons, so does garlic. Here in this article, we have shared some side effects of having excess garlic. Read on to know more.

Foul Odor

Lack of personal hygiene might not just be the only cause of foul odor, as consumption of garlic can break the deal too! There are various chemicals in garlic that contribute to bad breath. So before you think of gorging on your favourite garlic bread, make sure you have a mouth-refreshing spray handy as garlic breath can be quite embarrassing.

Skin Rashes

Eating excess garlic may lead to skin irritation and rashes. Garlic contains an enzyme called alliinase, which is usually the cause of skin rashes. It is quite often advised to wear hand gloves while cutting garlic, as the same enzyme present in it can cause rashes and itchiness.


Garlic if taken in its raw form may trigger headache as well. It doesn’t cause headache on the spot but can trigger the process. As per various studies, consuming raw garlic might stimulate the trigeminal nerve to release neuropeptides that goes to the membrane covering of the brain and triggers headache.

Could Aggravate Vaginal Infection

It is of utmost importance for women to take proper care of their vaginal health. One of the crucial things to keep in mind while suffering from vaginal infection is to avoid eating garlic as it can aggravate the yeast infection by irritating the tender tissues of the vagina.

May Cause Vomiting And Heartburn

According to various observational studies, consuming raw garlic bulbs in excess amounts may lead to vomiting and even heartburn. So to avoid this, you can always limit the intake of garlic.

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