February 3, 2021
Farmers have been protesting for more than two months in Delhi and demanding the repeal of the three agricultural laws by the central government. The central government held 11 rounds of talks with them but no smooth outcome was reached.
Barriers are being set up to prevent large numbers of farmers from crossing the Delhi border. Various parties across the country have been supporting the struggle of the farmers.
Popular American pop singer Rihanna has posted on her Twitter page in support of the farmers’ struggle. Rihanna shared a message on her Twitter page that internet service was being cut off in areas around Delhi. “Why aren’t we talking about this?” she asked.
Similarly, Greta Thunberg, who is raising awareness about climate change, posted on her Twitter page, “We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India.” It is noteworthy that while the leaders of various world countries have already expressed their support to the struggle of the farmers, the records of these two has attracted more international attention.