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14 Jun 2024, Edition - 3258, Friday

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Quality writing in Tamil hard to find : P.Chidambaram

Covai Post Network


Even as about 8 crore of the population speak Tamil, quality in writing is still hard to find among today’s youths said P.Chidambaram former Finance Minister of India and Founder of Ezhuthu publications.

Addressing the gathering at the launch of two books published by the organizations in Coimbatore here on Tuesday, Chidambaram said that it has become imperative for Tamil scholars to identify and fill the gap between production and publishing.

“While languages including Hindi, Marathi, Bangla and Assamese have been producing good works of literature, Tamil is falling short in terms of quality work ,” he rued.

He further added that it is during these times that the writers and young minds should be encouraged so that the art of writing in Tamil is kept alive.

“This is where publishers play a huge role and Ezhuthu is also expected to play such a role in society,” he opined.

Claiming that technology has made printing easy and efficient, Chidambaram also said that awareness should be spread about writing in Tamil.

Poet Vairamuthu, who felicitated the occasion said that writers should always have foresight and not worry about their selling capacity.

“Writers should be happy to be associated with literature because literature has helped us live our lives and clears the blocks that comes in between happiness,” the poet added

He also added that literature has made people respect the soil and love nature.

Praising the Tamil language for being a technically beautiful language, the poet also called for a collective effort of all the people to keep the language live.

Earlier, two books including Kai Raattai Kobam written by Thanjavur Kavirayar and Ammavin Kolam written by Jayadevan was released in the event by the delegates.

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