December 31, 2015
The 21-day training programme on landscaping and floriculture, sponsored by Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Chennai, Government of Tamil Nadu, concluded here today.
Organised at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, the objective of the programme, which commenced on December 8, was to encourage entrepreneurship in the areas of commercial floriculture and landscaping.
Thirty participants from diverse backgrounds, including housewives, degree holders, diploma holders, college students, landscape enthusiasts, and nursery managers participated in the programme.
The trainees were exposed to various avenues in the floriculture industry, including production of cut flowers, loose flowers, planting materials, seeds and bulbs, landscaping, micro-propagation of flower and ornamental plants, potted plants and value addition.
Hands-on-training was given on nursery technology of commercial flowers and ornamental crops, production technology of jasmine, marigold, scented rose, cut rose, carnation, tuberose, gladiolus, anthurium, orchids, chrysanthemum and gerbera, greenhouse construction and maintenance, principles and styles of gardening, garden components, lawn making and maintenance, mechanization in floriculture and landscaping, dry flower technology, plant protection in flower and ornamental crops, and value addition with flowers.
Exposure visits were arranged for the trainees to private nurseries and landscape units and they were also guided in preparation of bankable projects with the help of resource persons from financial institutions like Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Bank of India.