September 19, 2015
The Co-optex Coimbatore zone has registered a sale of Rs.9.01 crore in the first five months of this financial year, which was Rs.2.48 crore more that of the corresponding period last year, Tamil Nadu Handloom minister, Gokula Indira said today.
Last year the zone had registered a sale of Rs.6.53 crore in the first five months and the total retail sales during 2014-15 by the zone was
Rs.31.99 crore she said.
Distributing gold coins to the customers, who were selected through “Gold Mazhai’ scheme during September 15 last year to January 31,
2015, for the purchase of materials over Rs.2,000, she said.
The first prize of four grams of gold coins was given to 10 customers, while the second prize of two gram coins were given to 40 customers. The sales under the scheme was to the tune of Rs.21.62 crore, Gokula Indira said.
The Municipal Administration minister, S P Velumani said that the
Government is constructing green houses to 10,000 weavers and 500 such houses were already allotted to the weavers in Coimbatore district.