March 6, 2023
Save Soil Movement on Women’s Day will conduct a special event on March 8th at Perur Tamil College, Coimbatore. The event will felicitate distinguished women achievers from various fields and a special seminar will be conducted to empower women, including housewives.
The list of women achievers, includes- Ms. Priya Rajnarayanan for her terrace gardening training and prominent role in Tamil Nadu Seed Collecting Organisation; Manvasanai Ms. Menaka, for her contribution in spreading awareness on millet and millet food; Ms Jospin Mary for her various achievements in Apiculture and Ms. Yamunadevi, who has demonstrated a method to earn a stable income from the native breed cows.
As a special feature of this event, seminars will be held on ‘Fulfilling the vegetable needs of the house from terrace gardening’, ‘Millet for maintaining the health as ever youth’, ‘Bee farming for long lives’ and ‘Native breed cows for healthy living and its value-added products’.
Various home appliances and traditional food products will be up for sale at the exhibition and sale. Everyone, irrespective of their gender, are invited at the event.